Thursday, May 24, 2012

Guacamole (Avocado Dip)




 Avocados – 2
Onions – 1 small, chopped
Jalapenos Chilly - 1 chopped
Tomatoe – 1/2 medium, chopped (Remove seed)
Cilantro – 6 sprigs, chopped
Black Pepper –  1 tsp
Lemon Juice  - 1 tsp

  Preparation :

1. Cut avocados in half. Remove seed. Scoop out avocado from the peel, put in a mixing bowl.
2. Mash the avocados using a fork/spoon but take care not to  make it like a paste .  
3. Add Onions Chilly , cilantro , tomatoes,  lemon juice salt and black  pepper .
4. Mix it well , cover bowl with a plastic wrap and keep it  refrigerated .
5. Serve  as dip or with any Mexican dish .

Note :

Avocados should be ripe enough for this . Check the ripeness by gently pressing the avocado .

Add roasted cumin powder to get an Indian flavor .

If the guacamole  need to be kept in the fridge for more time , then add tomatoes just before serving .

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Spicy Sardine curry

Ingredients :

Sardine : 8-10
Ginger  : 2 tbsp (finely minced)
Garlic : 4 cloves ( finely minced)
Cambogia  / Kudampuli : 2 pieces 
Shallots /Finely chopped onion : 1/4 cup
Green chilly - 2
Kashmir Chilly Powder  : 3 tsp 
Turmeric Powder : 1/4 tsp
Red Chilli Powder : 1 1/2 tbsp
Water : 2 cup
Coconut Oil : 2-3 tbsp
Curry leaves : 2 sprig
Salt to taste

 Preparation  :

1. Soak the kudampuli pieces in  half cup warm water for 15 mins.
2. Heat a pan  and pour coconut oil . Add the shallots ,  ginger and saute till it turns brown .
3. Add all the powders  and saute for 1 min .
4. Now add the Kudampuli pieces, salt  and the water  and bring it to a boil .
5. Add the sardine pieces and swirl the pan to  mix it with full masala .
6. Add the green chillies,garlic pieces,and curry leaves on the top of the  fish , cover and cook at medium heat for 15  mins .
7.Swirl the pan  in between , but do not use spoon . Add the salt as needed .
8. Once the gravy is medium thick turn off the stove and add coconut oil ,the curry leaves to fish curry.
9. Keep the curry covered for half an hour before serving .

Note :

The curry will get authentic taste if it is made in manchatti/earthen pot .
If u do not prefer much spicy curry , you can add paprika and reduce the amount of chilly powder . 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pepper Beef fry

Ingredients :
Beef - 1 kg ( 2lbs)
Onions - 2 nos
Green chillies - 8 nos
Ginger(chopped) - 2 tbsp
Garlic (Chopped ) - 10 pods
Cinnamon - 1" piece
Cloves - 5 nos
Cardamom - 3 nos
 Fennel Seeds - 3 tsp
Bay leaves - 2 nos
Coriander powder - 2 tsp
Black peppercorns - 15-20 ( According to spice level)
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Vinegar   - 1 tsp
Curry leaves  2 sprig
Salt - to taste

Preparation :

1)Clean and cut the beef into small pieces.

2) Marinate beef with half of garlic  and ginger , turmeric powder , salt and vinegar . Keep it refrigerated  for   half an hour .

  3)Slice onions into medium length . Heat oil in a pan and add cinnamon , cardamom, cloves , Fennel and Bay leaves . Saute for 20 sec . Add the remaining chopped ginger  and saute . 
4)  Add the Onion and saute till dark brown . 

5)Grind the peppercorns . Add the  coriander powder , turmeric powder to the pan  and saute for 1 min.

 6)Meanwhile pressure cook the marinated beef   for 15 mins . Beef should be 3/4 cooked .

 7) Add the cooked beef to the masala and  saute in the high heat  for 1 min .

 8)Reduce the heat to medium . Now add  the crushed pepper corns and remaining garlic and roast till all the gravy evaporates.

9)Add the green chillies and curry leaves when the beef is dark brown in color . 

10)Add vinegar/lemon juice  if you prefer a little sour taste .Saute for 2 mins . 

11)Delicious Pepper beef fry is done . Serve it with chappathi/Kerala Parotta .

Note :

 You can add garam masala later if you do not have whole spices . It would be more tasty if you add whole spices as it give more flavor to the beef .

Always add green chillies towards the end of cooking, it will give nice flavor and a nice look to the dish .